Jenni Gritters

Winifred Pristell lifting weights
Well Stories
How Winifred Pristell Became a Powerlifting Champion at 85

Learn about her inspiring journey — and her tips for building strength and her secrets for longevity. 

Blurry car headlights on road at night
Well Health
Why Astigmatism Makes Lights Look Weird at Night
A photo of a woman in a field with flowers
Well Health
Yes, Allergies Can Change Over Time. Here’s Why
A couple paying bills
Mind Mental Health
How Does Student Debt Impact Mental Health?
Well Health
What You Need to Know About Leaky Bladder
Well Health
5 Things to Know About HIV Prevention With PrEP and PEP
Well Health
What You Need to Know About Abnormal Bleeding and Gynecological Cancer
Well Health
8 Serious Health Conditions Affecting Millennials
Why Seattle Millennials Are Choosing Urgent Care over Primary Care
Life Parenthood
Dads Get Postpartum Depression, Too, Studies Show
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How to Design a Healthy Home