
Illustration of a bearded man
Well Prevention
Prostate Cancer Screenings Have Changed — For the Better

For starters, digital rectal exams are no longer required.  

An illustration of two people hugging.
Well Health
Why Access to Miscarriage Treatments Is Important
A photo of a mother comforting her daughter in the hospital
Well Health
3 Tips to Help You Manage Anxiety Before Surgery
Woman sitting in a chair typing on a computer
Well Prevention
Tingling in Your Fingers? It Could Be One of These Syndromes

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Well Health
Toxic Shock Syndrome Is Rare. Here’s What Tampon Users Should Know.
Well Stories
This Is What It’s Like to Be Pregnant When You Have Heart Disease
Well Health
Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack or Anxiety?
Well Prevention
How to Keep Your Heart Healthy Without Overthinking It
Well Research
Zika Could Cause Brain Damage Even in Infants Without Microcephaly
Well Health
Supraventricular Tachycardia Is A Condition That Can Make Your Heart Race for Hours
Well Research
Birth Control Pills Raise Breast Cancer Risk Slightly, But Don’t Panic
Well Stories
This Woman Couldn't Eat for Years Because of a Medical Mystery
Well Prevention
If You Could Get Tested for Ovarian Cancer from Home, Would You?
Well Research
Why You Should Read Your Doctor’s Notes
Well Health
Does Owning a Dog Improve Your Health?
Well Prevention
Do You Need a Vitamin D Supplement?